Installation and commissioning services includes the essential preparation of equipment at site (unpack, inspect, inventory) along with onsite expert installation services covering labeling, connection, initial configuration and power-up and system tests. Configuration is done as per the project requirement and customer preferences as detailed out in the design documentation.
Testing as per acceptance standards and best practices is conducted making sure the solution is compliant, secure and safe to operate. Consort Digital team will also initiate actions to correct any faults on a timely basis.
Installation and commissioning services include –
- Radio Networks – Installation & Commissioning of Base Stations, Antenna Systems
- Control Room Applications – Installation & Commissioning of Control Room Applications such as Dispatchers, Location Systems
- Gateways and Interface Solutions – Installation & Commissioning of Interface gateways and integration solutions
- Radio Terminals – Installation & Commissioning of radio terminals in static locations, range of vehicles, fire tenders, centenary vehicles, cranes
- Train Radio Systems – Installation & Commissioning of onboard products
- Underground and In-building Coverage Solutions – Installation & Commissioning of tunnel, underground and in-building coverage solution
- Towers & Civil infrastructure – Installation is usually carried under our supervision by expert third party contractors