Current devices have extremely complex electronics and therefore running an in-house repair operation for users is mostly impossible. Consort Digital provides Device repair services for all products it ships. This ensures that customers will always have peace of mind that the products can be serviced and repaired unless beyond economical repair. Consort Digital has its own repair facilities backed up by agreements with device manufacturers for factory repairs at their certified repair centers.
Device Repairs include :
- Onsite fault analysis – Our onsite engineers ensure that device are not repairable in field and need to be returned to service center.
- Seamless Repair Management – We offer a seamless Repair Maintenance Authorization process irrespective of device make or manufacturer ; simplified process for end user.
- Onsite Service desk – Our onsite Service desk at customer premises ensure that you simply drop your devices to us and we manage all repair procedures including logistics.
- Turn Around Time – We provide device repairs within reasonable Turn Around Time.
- Spare Devices – We offer spare devices to users for operational continuity.
- Certified Repairs – Some products require re-certification such as ATEX [Fire proof].
- Genuine Spare parts – We ensure all genuine spare parts for longer after-service life.
- Quality repair and upgrades – We ensure all products are repaired under Consort or OEM Quality procedures including upgrades if required.
- Case and escalation management – Ensures quality repairs within agreed service level agreement.